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              您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 >> 產(chǎn)品中心 >> 生化試劑、抗體、血清 >> 常規(guī)生化試劑 >> AM9782LIFE RNase ZAP AM9780

              LIFE RNase ZAP AM9780

              • 更新時間:  2023-07-25
              • 產(chǎn)品型號:  AM9782
              • 簡單描述
              • LIFE RNase ZAP AM9780
                Reagent Type:RNase Control Reagent
                規(guī)格:250 mL
                Shipping Condition:Room Temperature

              LIFE RNase ZAP AM9780

              RNaseZap? RNase Decontamination Solution is a surface decontamination solution that destroys RNases on contact. You simply spray RNaseZap? Solution onto the surface to be decontaminated and rinse it off with RNase-free water.

              LIFE RNase ZAP AM9780

              eatures of RNaseZap? RNase Decontamination Solution:

              ? Compley removes RNase contamination from glass and plastic surfaces
              ? Excels at removing high levels of RNase contamination whereas similar products fail
              ? Proven effective at removing high concentrations of dried-on RNase A
              ? Ideal for cleaning work surfaces, pipettors, and equipment that must be RNase-free

              Using RNaseZap? Solution
              Working with RNA requires that special measures be taken to ensure an RNase-free environment. Even trace quantities of RNase can lead to lower yields from in vitro transcription reactions, degradation during RNA purification protocols, and variable results in RPAs and Northerns. RNaseZap? contains three ingredients active against RNase and has proven to be extremely effective at removing RNase contamination from glassware, plastic surfaces, countertops, and pipettors. It has also been shown to be effective at eliminating RNase contamination from microfuge tubes without inhibiting subsequent enzymatic reactions. Supplied in one 250 mL bottle.


              貨號: AM9780

              Ambion?  相關應用: RNA 純化 | 實時定量 PCR

              AM9780 250ml

              AM9782 8*250ML

              AM9784 4L


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